FDA Approved Adjunctive Tool
A person in a blue shirt sits across from someone in a green top, in a bright room with plants.

FDA Approved screening as adjunctive tool

Thermography, approved by the FDA in 1982, serves as an adjunctive tool for breast cancer screening, capturing infrared thermal patterns to supplement mammography's anatomical data. It provides functional images that can detect physiological changes like inflammation, valuable in a comprehensive breast health assessment.

Safe, Easy, Pain-free and Radiation-free
A person with short gray hair and glasses smiles in a brightly lit room with a plant and seating area in the background.

Safe, easy, pain-free and radiation-free

Enjoy a comfortable experience without the exposure to radiation, suitable for all patients including those with implants or different breast sizes.

Quick Results with Peace of Mind
A man in a green shirt is smiling while looking at his smartphone in a cozy living room.

Peace of mind with fast results

Prompt and efficient screenings coupled with thorough and compassionate interpretation by third-party, board-certified medical professionals in thermology.

A new way to understand your health:

Breast Health



Stress & Disfunction

A man and a woman holding hands and smiling at each other while walking on a wooden pier by the sea on a sunny day.Person walking a large, fluffy dog on a grassy path lined with trees.A person runs on a beach at sunset, wearing a blue shirt and dark shorts. Waves gently approach the shore in the background.

From identifying inflammation to unlocking clues about your body's response to certain conditions, thermography can be integral to your health strategy.

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Low-grade or acute infection

Thermography's sensitivity enables the detection of low-grade or acute infections by identifying thermal asymmetries which often surround the infected area. Since infections typically present with increased heat due to the body's inflammatory response, thermography can act as a visual guide, aiding in the localization and assessment of infection-related heat patterns. This can be particularly useful for monitoring the response to treatment for infections, ensuring that they are resolving adequately.

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Stress and dysfunction

Thermography's ability to reveal body temperature asymmetries can indicate stress and dysfunction in the body. Temperature variations detected on the body’s surface correspond to the associated internal systems, potentially uncovering early signals of dysfunction. This can be instrumental in guiding further diagnostic procedures.

Thermography offers a radiation-free glimpse into your body's health, highlighting thermal irregularities for a new type of insight.

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Fibrocystic Disease Management

For women dealing with fibrocystic breast disease, thermography presents a promising approach to manage and monitor this condition.

Fibrocystic breast disease, characterized by lumpy or painful breasts, can complicate the differentiation between benign and malignant breast changes. Thermography's sensitivity to physiological changes allows for the detection of abnormal thermal patterns associated with fibrocystic conditions. This can aid in distinguishing benign from potentially malignant processes without the need for invasive procedures.

Moreover, by offering a painless and radiation-free option, it encourages regular monitoring, assisting in the early identification of any significant changes that may warrant further investigation. Thermography, therefore, plays a crucial role in the non-invasive management and monitoring of fibrocystic breast disease, offering reassurance and guidance for women affected by this condition.

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Breast Health Screening

Thermography offers a significant advancement in improving women's health, particularly in the area of breast health screening.

As a non-invasive, radiation-free diagnostic method, it serves as an adjunct to traditional mammography, enhancing the ability to detect early signs of breast anomalies.

By measuring the infrared heat emitted from the breast tissue, thermography can identify abnormal patterns of blood flow and temperature variations that may indicate the presence of or risk for developing breast diseases, including cancer.

Its role in early detection is crucial, as it can uncover physiological changes that precede visible abnormalities, thereby facilitating timely intervention and management. This technology empowers women with crucial information regarding their breast health, promoting early detection strategies that are essential for successful treatment outcomes.

Non-invasive and radiation-free, thermography provides a comfortable tool for breast health monitoring, offfering thermal pattern insights for a holistical view of women's health.

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Optimizing Performance

Beyond injury management, thermography can play a significant role in optimizing training and athletic performance. By analyzing thermal images, coaches and sports scientists can assess an athlete's physiological response to various training loads and conditions.

This data can reveal areas of potential overuse or stress before they result in injury, allowing for adjustments in training intensity, volume, or technique. Moreover, thermography can be used to verify the symmetry of muscle activation patterns, highlighting imbalances that may affect performance or predispose an athlete to injury.

By integrating thermographic assessments into regular training routines, sports professionals can develop more personalized and effective training strategies that promote optimal performance and longevity in the athlete’s career.

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Monitoring Rehabilitation Progress

Within the rehabilitation process, thermography serves as an invaluable asset in monitoring healing and recovery from injuries. By providing a visual and quantitative measurement of changes in inflammation and blood flow, it offers unique insights into the healing process.

For example, a decrease in abnormal thermal patterns over time can be an indicator of successful tissue repair and the resolution of inflammation. This information can guide healthcare providers and trainers in tailoring rehabilitation programs to the individual needs of athletes, ensuring a safe and efficient return to peak physical condition.

Additionally, it helps in setting realistic timelines for an athlete's return to training and competition, mitigating the risk of re-injury.

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Injury Detection and Management

Thermography has emerged as a vital tool in the realm of sports and athletics, particularly in the early detection and management of injuries. This technology's ability to capture and analyze the heat patterns emitted by the body allows for the identification of subtle physiological changes that precede the development of more significant injuries.

For instance, an elevated thermal signature in a specific area could indicate inflammation or the onset of a strain or sprain before it becomes symptomatic or observable through other means. This early detection can be crucial in implementing preventative measures, reducing recovery times, and preventing the aggravation of injuries, thereby helping athletes maintain optimal performance levels and enhance their overall training and recovery protocols.

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Joint & Body Inflammation

Thermography is effective in detecting and monitoring inflammation in the body. It records temperature variations on the skin that can signify underlying inflammatory processes. Since inflammation often precedes structural changes, thermography serves as a proactive tool, potentially revealing areas of concern before they escalate into more serious conditions. This makes it especially valuable in timely intervention and management of inflammatory diseases.

In sports, thermography quickly pinpoints inflammation and injuries, helping athletes enhance performance and expedite recovery without any contact or pain.

We've got the answers for your questions

What is thermography?

Thermography, or Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI), is a non-invasive diagnostic tool that creates visual maps of the infrared patterns emitted by the body. This technology allows for the early detection of physiological changes related to blood flow and inflammation, which may indicate disease or injury.

How does thermography work?

Thermography works by detecting the heat emitted from the surface of the body, capturing this data through a specialized camera. These thermal images help in assessing the body's physiological state by revealing areas of temperature variation that could signify inflammation, infection, or other health concerns.

Is Thermography Safe?

Yes, thermography is completely safe. It is a contactless and non-invasive procedure that does not use radiation, making it an appealing option for regular health screenings. It's particularly advantageous for breast screenings as it does not involve compression, which can be uncomfortable or unsuitable for some women.

What can thermography detect?

Thermography can be used to detect and monitor a variety of conditions including, but not limited to, breast diseases, hormonal imbalances, vascular disorders, musculoskeletal injuries, and signs of inflammation. It's also used in general wellness checks to identify potential areas of concern early on.

How often should I get thermography?

The frequency of thermography depends on your personal health goals and any existing conditions.

Establishing a stable and accurate baseline is critical for the assessment of any changes in subsequent scans. A single thermographic study isn't sufficient to discern if the represented thermal pattern is your norm or currently evolving. By comparing two or more scans conducted over a series of months apart, we can confidently ascertain the stability of your physiology, hence setting an accurate baseline for annual monitoring.

For monitoring specific health conditions or injuries, the frequency may vary based on your healthcare provider’s advice.

Is thermography covered by insurance?

Coverage for thermography varies by insurance provider and policy. Consult your individual insurance provider to better understand your coverage specifics. While we don't engage in billing or insurance claim assistance, a detailed receipt will be provided for your filing purposes.

While some insurance plans may not cover the cost of thermography screenings, many patients find the benefits outweigh the out-of-pocket cost.

What do I need to do to prepare for a thermography session?

Specific prep instructions are provided for each type of thermography session. Generally, you may be advised to avoid heavy exercise, hot showers, and the use of lotions or balms on the area of interest for several hours before your appointment to ensure accurate results.

Who can benefit from thermography?

Thermography can be beneficial for anyone interested in a proactive approach to their health. It's especially useful for women seeking a proactive, radiation-free screening for breast health, individuals monitoring chronic conditions, or athletes focused on injury prevention and recovery.

Who reads the images and reports?

Empowered Thermography ensures that all thermographic images and reports are meticulously analyzed by a third-party team of medical Doctors and professionals particularly trained in thermography.

The process entails sending your images to a specialized interpretation service staffed of medical doctors who are all board-certified thermologists. These experts boast years of experience in thermography and have the capability to seek second opinions whenever deemed necessary.

Do I need a doctor's referral or order?

No, anyone is welcome to schedule an appointment without referral. However, if your insurance covers Thermographic services and you wish to file an insurance claim, having a doctor's order can be beneficial. Please consult your individual insurance provide for requirements and coverage.

Please note, while we don't engage in billing or insurance claim assistance, a detailed receipt will be provided for your filing purposes.

How quickly will I get my results and what can I do with them?

Typically, reports are furnished within a span of 7-10 days. An expedited processing option is available for an additional fee, ensuring results within 24 hours.

Upon completion, the encrypted PDF or printed versions of your report and images can be shared with you and/or your healthcare provider. We encourage collaboration with your existing physician or health care practitioner regarding the findings in your report.

How do I schedule a thermography appointment?

To schedule a thermography session, you can reserve an online appointment or call our facility.